Dear Member,
As I am sure you are aware recently tee times have been a very scarce commodity in Hong Kong.
The Committee has been operating a selection algorithm to be as fair as possible for all members, more or less based on how many times people tried to enter but were rejected. After a lot of consideration we have made some amendments to our system to make it as simple as possible, as fair as possible, and as “game proof” as possible. No system is perfect but set out below is the system that will be run to allocate places at our social golf events until further notice.
1) Places will only be available to paid up members of the HKFC Golf Society.
2) For social events priority will be given to those members who apply to play in an event and have played the fewest HKFC GS events in the current calendar year.
3) For matches, the GS Club Captain retains total authority to select the teams (although the principle has always been to rotate team members between matches with an eye to the expected level of opposition).
4) If a member is selected to play in a match that will count as an event played when it comes to selecting people to play in social events under Rule 2.
5) Matches played by the GS Captain will be ignored for Rule 2. He is required to play in matches.
6) Places in the Club Championship will continue to be allocated based on handicap (as usual). This event is the only gross event that we play and is to determine the best golfer of the year. Lady player numbers will be allocated in proportion to the number of entries (and then of course by their handicaps). Eg if 1/3 of entries are from ladies then 1/3 of places will be allocated to the lowest handicapped lady players entering.
7) Playing in the Club Championship will count as an event played for Rule 2.
8) As usual with the inevitable late drop outs from events, the Event Organiser will make every effort to fill available slots starting by contacting all “rejected” applicants for the event.
9) Drop outs within 48 hours of an event will be deemed to have played in the event as regards selection for future events under Rule 2. They will also be charged for the event unless a replacement player is found. Replacements will be sought from all unsuccessful applicants for that event by email and allocated on a first response basis.
* The Society runs both social events and matches. HKFC tee times allocated to matches have been limited to 4 in 2022 because of the lack of available tee times. Any member with a GHIN handicap can request to play in matches by contacting the Captain by replying to this email with his/her name, membership number, GHIN number and current handicap.