Event Details
Date: 21/03/2024
Time: All Day
Location: Kau Sai Chau Golf Course
Golf Outing Notice
PLEASE NOTE: Because covid restrictions have been relaxed for some time now, we are reverting to a first come, first served policy for events. If there is an oversubscription and a waitlist, the order of the waitlist will be set on a first-come, first-served basis, and we will assess the registration time stamp. On occasion, the committee may allow special circumstances.
Kau Sai Chau South Course –Thursday -21st March 2024
Date/Time : Thursday – 21st March 2024. Tee off times from 10:03 am – 10:48 am.
Venue : Kau Sai Chau (South Course)
No. of Entry: 32 persons maximum.
1) Places will only be available to paid up members of the HKFC Golf Society.
2) This is a social event and selection will be based on first come first served format.
3) Drop outs within 48 hours of an event will be deemed to have played in the event as regards selection for future events under Rule 2. They will also be charged for the event unless a replacement player is found. Replacements will be sought from all unsuccessful applicants for that event by email and allocated on a first response basis. If a member late cancels TWICE from events in a calendar year (late cancel – cancel under 48hours of an event) may not be selected on the next event if fully subscribed.
Competition Format: Individual Stableford with handicap (GHIN will be needed)
Cost: HK$710 for GS member ( Fee to include return coach and ferry)
Over 60 Cost: HK$600 for GS members over 60 (Fee to include return coach and ferry)
HK$50 reduction for people that do not need take the coach
1st place – $400 F&B Voucher
2nd place- $300 F&B Voucher
3rd place- $200 F&B Voucher
Itinerary: – coach pick up from HKFC at 7:30 am sharp
– return to HKFC at approx. 5 pm
Deadline: 12 p.m. 6th March,2024. (Cancellations must be made before deadline. Full cost may be charged for late cancellations.)
To qualify for Stableford competition, GS members must have a Current GHIN Handicap ; i.e. All scorecards entered with at least 1 card being submitted in the past 6 months and at least 3 cards being submitted in the past 12 months. All your scores need to be submitted, if it is known that your latest round has not been updated you will be automatically disqualified from all competitions of the day and may affect future competitions.
All cancellation request are to be sent to [email protected] only, to avoid any missed communication .
It is extremely important that you attend the post-round award ceremony. Please keep in mind that any members who are eligible for prizes but are not present at the post-round award ceremony will be presumed to have forfeited their prize.
For registration, please go to http:hkfcgolf.com.hk and complete the online registration form for this event. Please note you must fill in ALL the details for your registration to be submitted.
William Chan
Golf Event Organiser
Bookings are closed for this event.